Freedom to Express: A complete misuse! Navpreet Brar
A country known for its ethos, values, culture, respect, and perseverance is facing the hardest times of the century where the pledge, ‘India is my country and all Indians are my brothers and sisters,’ appear in shackles today. We achieved this freedom after so much sacrifice and bloodshed, till date our books of history give us goosebumps by making us read the kind of sacrifices our ancestors made to make India a free country and to make its people self- sufficient but are we living up to their sacrifice, are we living up to the true meaning of freedom?
Governments, democracy, secularism have gone for a toss in this current scenario. Where is it written that the powerful can never be wrong or never needs to learn or improve? A government that runs a country is the crown of a nation that shines because of the acceptance and belief of the people of that nation. The well-being of a nation doesn’t lie in building concrete structures, it lies in the well- being of the people. Being a multilingual and multicultural country is a matter of pride and we as Indians are blessed to have so much variety and rich backgrounds to build our future on. All this again gives a chance to the power that runs our country a chance to become more efficient because they have maximum challenges to face and to design solutions to them, which ultimately leads to their becoming more efficient. Challenges need to be created but at the same time challenges should also be accepted in their true sense to work on and improve on.
Sadly, the current scenario in our country is not abiding by what was dreamt as India by our freedom fighters. The NEP 2020, talks about knowing our country better, developing acceptance, keeping the holistic development of the child in the centre of the teaching-learning process but I am sorry to say, children not only learn from what’s written or framed in the books, but they also learn from what they observe and experience and they grow up observing their adults. Are we setting a good example for them, is our government abiding by the framework of the NEP 2020?
Democracy says, ‘For the People, By the People, Of the People.’ When the common man is suffering in your country, do you think you are running a democratic government? The true colours of the celebrities and the government came to light in this ‘Farmers protest’ when the food producer of the country came on roads just to demand their rights. I mean, enough is enough! Show some sensibility and responsibility. Twitter has become the pet of all the high profiles who can write anything and everything on it murdering mannerism and ethics. Social media is getting poisoned with all these tweets by so-called celebrities and what kind of examples are being set in this nation for the youngsters? An artist can rise only if his or her art is appreciated by the masses as you cannot rise in isolation, you have to be people’s favourite and you have to earn that place. Any government is the people’s representative and is not the power if its people are not powerful. ‘Remember, we all stand together, we all fall together.’
Being a citizen of a free, democratic nation, I have full freedom to observe my rights and to stand against what is not in the favour of the development of the nation. But, our so-called leaders and our favourite celebrities have made this an issue of ego and just living by that. Before, the education ministry of India, make this a compulsion for school students to read the constitution of India, kindly organize some good workshops for our leaders where they could read and visit the pages of the constitution of India and could understand that in its true sense.
I would not write, in the end instead, I would say in this starting, I would like to request our representatives and our celebrities to attend some self-reflection sessions so that they could be enlightened a bit and could analyze what should be done for the prosperity of the nation.
Jai Hind!
Navpreet Brar (Blogger)

Navpreet Brar, Blogger
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