Let’s respect our sportsperson.....by Gurjot Singh Kaler
There is a difference between the political arena and the sports arena. Lately, the government and the grapplers have been locked in an intense slugfest which is not a healthy sign for the nation as a whole. For the past many months, we have been witnessing humungous protests by acclaimed sportspersons of the wrestling fraternity at Jantar Mantar in New Delhi, India. There has been a widespread hue and cry by the sportspersons to demand legal action against a political stalwart of the ruling party at the Centre.
To be factually correct, enough has already been written, spoken, and heard of in the media about the ongoing protests by Sakshi Malik, Vinesh Phogat, and Bajrang Punia against Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh, the current President of the Wrestling Federation of India (WFI).
The main contention of the protesting wrestlers had been their demand for the registration of the First Information Report (FIR) against the WFI President for his alleged misogynistic misdemeanor and unacceptable sexual overtures toward female wrestlers.
Only after months of excruciating pain, discouragement, and trauma of humiliation suffered by the protesting wrestlers at the hands of the powers-that-be, the FIR was finally registered at the intervention of the honorable Supreme Court.
Initially, the FIR was registered under the Prevention of Children from Sexual Offences (POCSO) Act which entailed his immediate arrest but now the Delhi police have written in their submitted chargesheet before the court that the POCSO Act may be withdrawn from the FIR as one of the juvenile female wrestlers has purportedly withdrawn and changed her legal written statement against the alleged offender before the court of law under section 164 of the Criminal Procedure Code (CrPC).
The nation has been a silent witness and a mute spectator to the national agony of the protesting wrestlers in their long struggle to cope with the labyrinthine rules, procedures, and processes of the criminal justice system, which appears to be highly prone to the crafty, behind-the-scenes manipulation by the political masters.
Despite their best efforts, the proverbial justice seems to be eluding our champion sportspersons of India as the alleged sexual offender has not been duly arrested by the police till now. He can be seen making boisterous claims about winning the next Lok Sabha elections and in turn, making a public mockery of the dignity, respect, and integrity of women wrestlers.
This is not only appalling, distasteful, and disgusting to say the least but also raises several question marks upon the efficacy of the natural justice prevalent in the country. Are some people above the rule of law in India? It is deeply ironic to notice that special treatment is being meted out to the alleged sexual offender in this particular case and the protesting wrestlers are being ruthlessly pinned to the ground by the police.
Should not the collective conscience of our nation feel ashamed of our complicit silence at the horrific ordeal of our wrestlers who are fighting the lone battle at the ultimate cost of their dignity, professional careers, and self-respect? Is this the way the country would now treat its sportspersons who have brought laurels, recognition, and glory to India on international platforms in the past?
My heart pains, to say the least, and my eyes get moist with tears of injustice to see the sight of our wrestlers ready to drown their medals in the holy Ganges River at the apathy and distressful behavior meted out to them by the higher echelons of the government.
One wonders that if our sportspersons are not able to get justice despite their worldwide popularity and global achievements to their credit, then, what about the faceless common man or woman at the ground level? The Indian law sadly appears to be like a cobweb – too strong to hold the weak but too weak to hold the strong. Power and justice must go together.
If Brij Bhushan Sharan Singh proclaims to be innocent and feels that the current protests against him are a clever political ploy and a deep conspiracy to oust him from the WFI, he should also be given a full chance to present his side of the story.
Let the accusations be investigated in a threadbare approach and everything should be performed in a transparent, justifiable, and clear manner. Justice needs to be delivered in a time-bound and speedy manner without being perceived as biased against one contesting group.
The initial delay in the registration of FIR and then, the subsequent delay in arresting him are all negative pointers for the perceived fairness of the Indian criminal and justice system.
When the nation likes to call itself ‘Bharat Mata’ and elections are fought and won on the slogans of ‘Beti Bachao-Beti Padhao’, everything sounds like a hollow political gimmick in the face of our renowned female wrestlers being pushed and beaten to the ground for demanding legal action against an alleged sexual predator. The investigation needs to be conducted in a fair, free, and impartial manner.
The Central government needs to remember that the progress of a nation is judged by the way it treats its women. It is the moral duty of the Home Minister and the Prime Minister of India to protect the daughters of India and not let them run from pillar to post in their horrendous search for justice. Political calculations can be suspended for the time being and the inner voice of morality be heard in this grave hour of crisis.
By protecting the alleged sexual offender and delaying justice for the aggrieved sportspersons, a very wrong message is being sent out to the criminals.
When the Nirbhaya case happened, it sent shockwaves across the spine of the nation. But still, it appears that we have not learned any long term lessons.
How will our mothers, sisters, wives, and daughters feel safe in such an environment where the perpetrators of crime can be seen walking freely on the streets of India, doing political roadshows and making sexist speeches? There should be no politics in sports. When the system fails to provide justice to the aggrieved, it woefully contributes to their re-victimization. Soul-searching is the need of the hour. Let’s respect our sportspersons. They give their blood, sweat and tears for the national glory of the country.
Can’t we simply accord them the genuine respect which they rightfully deserve?

Gurjot Singh Kaler, Serving Punjab Police Officer
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