Prayer is Mightier than the Rajvinder K.Heyer Dhillon
I would like to congratulate Mr. Biden, Dr. Jill Biden, and his family for becoming the 46th President of the USA, who was the 44th Vice-president of US and my Home Country Senator Kamala Devi Harris and Douglas Emhoff and her family.
Kamala is the first woman of Indian American and Black Jamaican Descent. She did not break the ceiling, she shattered the Ceiling, she did not break the barriers she stormed the Barriers that can happen only in good old USA.Senator Harris and Doug Emhoff’s family is an Amalgamation of Hinduism, Christianity and Judaism. I believe her when she said to me might be the first one but will not be the last one.
I embarrassed that some people who are really close to me including my relatives and friends chose to vote Racist and Misogynist like Trump.
He said because John McCain got captured he is not a war hero, look when Trump was raising the birthed theory of President Barack Obama, McCain was the only Republican and running himself as President said, it is not true, that is what you call real Character.
To my relatives and friends, you will not be in this country if it was not the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 also coincides with the Civil Rights Act is known as the Hart -Celler Act which allowed Eastern Europeans, Asians, and Africans to immigrate to this Country which was signed by Democratic President Lyndon B. Johnson on June 30th, 1965 at the Foot of Lady Liberty in NY and applied by June 3rd, 1968.
President Trump’s allies started spreading misinformation that if Mr. Biden became President, he would bring Socialism. It resonated with Cuban Americans and Venezuelan Americans in Florida who immigrated to the USA to escape rationing of food and long lines in Supermarket. The Socialism which Senator Bernie Sanders and Congress Rep. Alexandria Ocasio Cortez were talking about is Democratic Socialism that means creating an economy that works for all, not for just the very wealthy.
It’s a program of extensive social benefits, funded by broad-based taxes. If a Rich person has fewer vacation homes, fewer designer clothes and purses, less exotic Vacations, and so on, pay more taxes to provide Food, Shelter, Clothing, and Health Services for the less fortunate, If this is Socialism, so be it. I know people abuse the welfare system but if 99% of people benefit from it and less than 1% abuse, just stop the abuse, not the System.
Lots of People have offered their Prayers to get rid of this President. I am one of them. In February 2020 I was visiting India and by the time I got there, I heard about the spread of Coronavirus. I wanted to go on a Pilgrimage to Anandpur Sahib, which is the Vatican of Sikh Religion, one of the Holy Shrine of Sikhs where Shri Guru Gobind Singh the Tenth Guru Baptized 5 People from different Casts and created Khalsa to fight against the oppression of Mughal Emperor Aurangzeb.
My relatives in India were advising against but I had only one thought in my mind, which was to pray for me and my friend Daljit Ranajee for the removal of this President from the White House. That day, Darbar Sahib was filled with people from shoulder to Shoulder without masks but I had to take a chance to go inside to pray not for me but my adopted country, it took me almost an hour but I did it.
On November 3, 2020 it was finally proved “Prayer is Mightier than Sword (Power)”
I would like to make it clear that I am not against Republicans policies I am against people and the President who lacks Honesty, Humanity, and Humility. I doefinitely don’t regard President-Elect as saint but Trump surely is a Satan/
In the end, I remember Dr. Martin Luther King Junior's Quote” Free at Last! Free at Last! Thank God Almighty we are free at last” from this Corrupt and heartless President who has separated the children from Asylum seeker parents. He is going to drain the Swamp, he has filled
He encouraged KKK, Proud Boys, and QAnon. I am not saying there was no Racism before he became President, but he brought racism front and Center. Hate crimes are up since his Presidency. He hated Obama the First Black President so much he rolled-back Obama era environmental regulations, did not matter if they were good or Bad, got out of the Iran Nuclear Deal, wanted to kill Obamacare, and so on.
He hates Science, does not believe in Climate change, Global Warming, and so on. He is a threat to Democracy, does not believe Biden has won fair and square, does not want to concede. He praises Dictators. He called Biden Sleepy Joe and Monster Kamala Harris a monster
My heart goes to those close to 3,280000 People who lost their lives Covid-19 the Pandemic; they were somebody’s Grandparents, Parents, Children, Aunts, and Uncles, Friends, Colleagues. In the hindsight maybe this was Almighty God’s (Waheguru) way of removing him from the Presidency. People were employed, I heard he inherited a booming economy from the Obama administration, I will let Economists debate.
He says Virus came from China (Kung Flu) your enemies will invade but you are the one who has to defend your house. First, it was a democrat hoax, then it was just flue it would go away, we were rounding the corners when it was going full circle. He denied the CDC guidelines.
When Dr. Fauci told everybody to wear the Mask, social distancing avoided big gatherings. He held big rallies, no masks, no social distancing, they said it is freedom, where is your freedom when you have to wear a seat belt to save your life and other people's lives.
He says the way he loves this Country nobody does but by refusing transitioning and first transition Cyber security, Homeland Security and wants to invade Iran, he is making hard for American People and President Biden, the only person Trump loves is himself. With God’s grace justice was delayed not denied when the Vessel of sins goes to brim it sinks. 2 the 0 Election was not between Biden and Trump it was between good and Evil, Decency and Indecency. Vice President Bidens’s decency paid off. For me as Scarlett o, ‘Hara says “After all tomorrow is another day” for me January 20th will be another Day when President Trump will be out of the White House, and Calm, Cool & Collected will be in the White House.
Rajvinder K.Heyer Dhillon is a retired teacher . She lives in Mountain House, California.

Rajvinder K.Heyer Dhillon, A retired teacher
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