Teachers Day: Celebrating Education.........
September 5, 2021: Turning a raw sheet of paper into a useful bag is just a matter of a few minutes but turning a raw mind into a successful being requires an investment for life and this investment is made only by one community in the world, ‘Our Teachers’. I celebrate my teachers every day for grooming me into what I am today. This special day is celebrated to appreciate the hard work that our teachers put in to bring out the best in the little ones so that they can grow up into wise and worthy humans and become successful in their lives.
Dr. Sarvpalli Radhakrishnan, our Former President was a teacher, scholar, and philosopher and touched many lives during his tenure as a teacher but he never left teaching even after he became the president.
This was because he loved what he did and also taught the same to his students to love whatever they choose or whatever they do. His birthday falls on 5th September and since 1962, his birthday has been celebrated as Teachers Day to mark his incredible contribution to the field of education.
The most wonderful aspect of a teacher’s life is that a teacher never gets retired, officially they do but not otherwise. A teacher will keep spreading his or her light of knowledge throughout their lives and they keep inspiring young minds to become the best in whatever way they can.
The profession of teaching is one of the humblest professions of all and the one holding the maximum responsibility. Being a teacher means you are taking the responsibility of somebody’s child for life because what a child learns from his or her teachers is what he or she reflects throughout life. This brings in a serious thought to ponder upon for teachers too as they have to set examples for their students to follow.
A teacher has to play many roles in different settings. A teacher is a guide, a philosopher, a friend, a psychiatrist, an actor, and whatnot but they just have one aim that is to make their students shine and stand out.
Education starts at home but learning happens with teachers. Reading facts and recognition of things is very easy but associating a reason behind and all the values to the same is what teachers do.
Teaching is not an easy task as it needs a specific framework of mind and utmost patience to deal with all different strata of children where each individual is different and carries a different set of attributes coming from different backgrounds and family settings.
Teaching is not only about completing the textbook syllabus and making students learn the facts instead it deals with all the different ways a child can learn as every child has a different way of learning, a different pace of learning, and a different attitude towards learning and to deal with all these different ways, you can understand what kind of grit is needed. Thanks to our teachers!
Life would just be meaningless without our teachers as to whatever we explore, find and see, our teachers add meaning to it. They help us understand the reason behind the existence of everything and help us value everything around us.
Love your teachers and respect them as they would compromise everything but would never compromise on the lives of their students and would make every possible effort to bring out the best in them. Being a teacher myself, I thank all my teachers today for making me capable of transforming and touching so many lives around.
Respect for all the wonderful teachers out there!
Keep shining, keep rising!
Happy Teachers Day!
September 05, 2021

Navpreet Brar, TGT Science, Blogger
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