Salute to the great martyr Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh on his 91st martyrdom day
Article by Harpreet Sandhu – Author and Nature Artist
Message for the Youth of Punjab to witness the Patriotic Museum of this supreme Martyr in Khatkar Kalan
Today on the eve of 91st Martyrdom Day of Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh, who on this day in the year 1931 was hanged to death along with Shaheed Rajguru and Shaheed Sukhdev for raising the banner of revolt against the British Empire to wrest freedom for India. This supreme sacrifice prompted the youth of our nation to carry forward the path towards independence. Rather this day the people of our state and especially the youth must witness the well-preserved museum at the ancestral village of Shaheed-e-Azam, Khatkar Kalan in Shaheed Bhagat Singh Nagar, wherein the patriotic memorable belongings of these revolutionary martyrs have been promptly displayed which include the Pen which was used by the Executioner for signing the Death sentence of Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Rajguru and Sukhdev, two original pages of Jail diary in which Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh took notes in his own handwriting and a copy of Judgment which is exhibited in the museum and read the meaningful message embossed on the statue of the great martyr for his Country’s fellowmen, side by visiting the ancestral house of the Martyr which is adjacent to the museum, where the personal belongings of Shaheed Bhagat Singh are also preserved.
It is need of the hour for the educational institutions within our State to make necessary tours for students to visit this historical museum so that zeal of patriotism for the country is imbibed in their minds and the historic era of Shaheed – E – Azam Bhagat Singh reminds them the history behind the supreme sacrifice of this legend martyr for our motherland.

The author captured the photographs displayed in the Museum endorsing the execution of the death sentence by the Superintendent of Jail and the preserved pen used by the judge to write the death sentence to Shaheed Bhagat Singh, Rajguru, and Sukhdev during his visit to Shaheed-e-Azam Bhagat Singh Museum Khatkar Kalan.

Harpreet Sandhu, Nature Artist
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