Transition time in society: Journey from son preference to DINK culture, read views of Dr. Amandeep Aggarwal
Food for thought
Time is changing fast- so are all of us as a society who have been a witness to the interesting transition from son preferring era to modern time DINK. Still we are in the transition state where we come across all segments in varying proportions viz son preferring orthodox families, daughter accepting families, grand-parents playing nanny role families and the latest flavour of the society DINK.
Son-preference era:
30 years down the memory line, there has been a time when the in-laws family expected their daughter-in-law to produce a child at the earliest and that too a son – else they would label her as “Banjh” (infertile) and a threat of re-marriage of boy used to be created. Though most families have travelled out of this era; yet a small percentage are still found sticking to the same old mindset.
Daughter equality acceptance alongside surge of MNC working couples:
In last 10 years we have witnessed that through different measures, initiatives, deterrence of law now we are living in a society where there is mostly an acceptance of daughters. Daughters have been excelling in all fields. From 21-34 years, women make up 34% of the workforce. From 35-49 years, their share halves as family takes precedence. Increasingly, crèches in offices are helping women put career on par with family.

Grandparents playing Nanny in MNC hubs:
Simultaneously with the surge of MNC culture and increase in number of MNC couples, society started confronting another problem in these MNC couples - the problem was that both husband and wife used to work on MNCs- though they were getting big packages, they hardly got and leisure time – a time with each other; coming straight to point – they hardly got any time to produce a child and if ever they would get time to produce a child they hardly had any time to look after the children.
When it comes to daycare facilities in India, demand far outstrips supply. The dual-income family has become the norm, and working parents worry who will take care of their kids when they're out.
Help is hard to come by, as are relatives to babysit. We all have seen the grand-parents playing nanny role at MNC hubs Bangalore /Gurgaon .
Even as more and more private daycare agencies open up in the metros, India Inc hasn't kept up. Few companies offer any kind of crèche or childcare facilities today, even though it's clear that employees would rather leave their wards with office-certified minders, or have them close at hand (especially if the kids are young).
Latest flavour of society "DINK": "double income, no kids"
"DINK" is an acronym that stands for "double income, no kids" or "dual income, no kids". It describes a couple without children living together while both partners are receiving an income; because both of their wages are coming into the same household, they are free to live more comfortably than couples who live together and spend their money on raising their children. DINKs often split household and lifestyle expenses and work toward financial goals together. It can often be easier to reach a goal on two incomes rather than just one. And when you don’t yet have children, you have more flexibility, and likely more disposable income, to be more aggressive with certain goals.
Modern day couples have their clear fundamentals – they assert while their parents had spent their whole life first for ensuring their safe career and then for making the lives of their children comfortable and secure- the whole life span went in performing duties and they will not repeat the mistakes that their parents made- they say after working for 15 years or so they will go on a world tour and explore what God has created in different parts of this mother Earth.
Just another viewpoint: and equally valid too!

Dr Amandeep Aggarwal, Family Physician
Phone No. : 9872192793
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