To keep heart disease away, one must identify one’s risk factors at an early Dr. Navneet Maini
Heart disease is a blanket term that includes all types of conditions and it becomes imperative to recognize early signs and symptoms of the disease because most of these conditions are life-threatening. The most common heart disease is coronary artery disease which involves the arteries supplying blood to the heart muscle itself.
Over a period of time, there occurs blockage in these arteries which results in a decrease in oxygen supply to the heart. Oxygen is the only fuel that is used by the heart muscle for it’s working, so the functioning of the heart suffers which can present in various forms like heart failure, heart attacks, rhythm disturbances, and sudden death.
The early signs of heart disease could be simply a decrease in stamina, shortness of breath on exertion, typical chest pain, palpitations, cold sweats, tightness in the chest, etc.
The disease has acquired epidemic proportions in India and all kinds of populations i.e., rural or urban, rich or poor and almost every state are suffering.
Also, the disease in India is different than the Western world in a way that it hits the younger population is more severe in form, presents as a sudden attack, and has a high fatality rate. This means we are losing people in more productive years of their lives.
The reason is an increase in the risk factors of the disease. These are primarily High Blood pressure, Diabetes, smoking, high cholesterol levels, obesity, stress, eating habits, lack of exercise, a positive family history, etc.
So in order to keep heart disease away, one must identify one’s risk factors at an early age and try to fix them. These are a few tips to keep yourself healthy. Staying physically active can help control your weight, strengthen your heart, and improve your blood circulation. Losing extra weight can go a long way in managing risk factors for heart diseases such as type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol.
Men should limit their alcohol intake to 2 drinks per day and women should not have more than one drink a day to reduce the risk of developing heart disease. It is best if you do not smoke and consume alcohol at all.
Consume a lot of fruits, vegetables and whole grains, legumes, and lean meat, and try to avoid processed carbohydrates, saturated fats, and minimize your intake of salt and sugar. Monitor your blood sugar levels regularly and adopt dietary and lifestyle changes to keep them under control.
Since high blood pressure is a major risk factor, it is important to be screened at least once a year and take medications to maintain your blood pressure within normal limits.
Monitor your cholesterol and triglyceride – It is recommended to check your cholesterol and triglyceride levels once every 4 – 6 months. If you have high cholesterol, medications, lifestyle, and dietary changes can significantly help in minimizing the risk of heart disease.
September 29, 2023

Dr. Navneet Maini , Amritsar-based Cardiologist
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