Dr. Google and the Rise of Cyberchondria.....by Gurjot Singh Kaler
Chandigarh: The advent and proliferation of internet has changed the world’s landscape forever. The human race has progressed by
leaps and bounds in almost all spheres of life.
However, the internet has also given birth to many problems and complexities which did not exist beforehand. The development of high-end technology along with the arrival of Artificial Intelligence (AI) has resulted in great advancements in the field of medical science as millions of lives are being saved now-a-days. However, the internet has also led to newer problems like cyberchondria which needs to be discussed and understood to deal with it.
The search engine, Google, has become a part and parcel of our existence on this planet in the 21st century. Any query, if it comes to our mind, we instantly open the search engine and Google it right-away to find an instant answer to our needs and requirements. Just as we like to use Google’s services for
finding solutions to our elementary needs like locating good restaurants nearby us, search educational institutes, look for addresses, etc., the dependence on Google has increased to such an extent that we also tend to use it for searching about our medical condition now-a-days. In the times gone by, if we
used to have a simple headache or fever or nausea, we used to immediately rush to our nearest doctors or the closest hospital for consultation. But now-a-days, the first response of the tech-savvy internet generation is to open Google and search about their medical conditions or illnesses and any solution or answer Google provides, they believe it as a gospel’s truth and follow it religiously without bothering about rechecking it from a reliable doctor or a medical
In this manner, the traditional Google has transmogrified into Dr. Google for today’s netizens and this clinical condition of doing repeated searches on internet
about one’s medical illness and doing self-diagnosis is referred to as cyberchondria and it is now discovered to have a huge impact on one’s mental health causing stress and anxiety related disorders. Individuals often prioritize the initial search results rather than exploring all available options.
Unlike a physician, Dr. Google doesn't take into account crucial factors such as age, health history, and family background when providing a diagnosis. The plethora of contradictory medical information available online can easily induce feelings of anxiety and uncertainty regarding the content being read. Regrettably, the vast amount of information, whether accurate or not, accessible on the Internet has led many hypochondriacs to become cyberchondriacs.
This term refers to individuals who compulsively search the internet for information about real or perceived symptoms of illness. "Cyberchondria" merges aspects of cyberspace and hypochondria (now referred to as "illness anxiety"), depicting individuals fixated on the possibility of contracting or already having a serious illness.
A cyberchondriac incessantly scours the internet for healthcare information, often concluding with alarming self-diagnoses rather than relief, subsequently amplifying their anxiety. In essence, cyberchondria describes individuals who experience excessive and unfounded anxiety stemming from searching for medical information online.
This anxiety may persist even after closing the browser, leading to a persistent belief in having a medical condition despite lacking confirmation from a healthcare professional. Excessive searching for symptoms without consulting a doctor can lead to two outcomes. Firstly, individuals may overestimate their symptoms and resort to incorrect medication or self- treatment. Alternatively, they may underestimate their symptoms, allowing the medical condition to deteriorate.
It's important to note that cyberchondria is not officially recognized as a diagnosis as of now and is not listed in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM- 5). The term is a variation of "hypochondria," also known as illness anxiety disorder, which is recognized in the DSM-5. Those suffering from cyberchondria tend to bury their heads in the internet for digging excessive medical information through Google or other preferred search engines about any diagnosis or physical condition and sometimes, such patients even develop a mental phobia or psychological inhibitions or obsession about indulging in such acts which makes them feel overly confident about their self-drawn conclusions. Such internet educated patients do not even hesitate to argue with professionally qualified doctors and nurses and rather tend to pressurise the doctors about the convincing validity and credibility of Dr. Google’s medical advice. Individuals experiencing cyberchondria often do not seek direct assistance for their condition, possibly due to the belief that it's not officially recognized. Instead, they may seek help for related issues such as hypochondriasis, anxiety disorders, or problematic internet use, sometimes even labeled as "internet addiction."
The management of cyberchondria is still in its early stages, largely because of the condition's ambiguous conceptualization and its hidden nature within clinical settings. Cyberchondria, like other anxiety disorders, can severely impact daily life, causing stress-related physical symptoms and straining relationships and careers due to frequent doctor visits and medical expenses. There are various factors that increase the risk of cyberchondria such as poor coping mechanism to deal with the online information overload, confusion and doubts over the trustworthiness of sources of the available online health information and unrealistic expectations of the internet. In order to prevent cyberchondria, it is imperative to focus on the online health information literacy because lower levels of
cyberchondria have been noticed amongst people who have a greater literacy and accurate awareness about the realistic capabilities and reasonable expectations of internet.
Based on the Cyberchondria Severity Scale and some medical researches, here are some warning signs of cyberchondria to be aware of:
a) Spending between 1 to 3 hours researching symptoms online.
b) Feeling distressed and anxious rather than reassured or empowered by online searches.
c) Experiencing compulsive tendencies to search for health information that are difficult to resist.
d) Worrying about the possibility of having multiple diseases, rather than just one or two.
e) Feeling the need to seek reassurance from healthcare professionals.
f) Having doubts about the accuracy of information provided by medical professionals.
g) Engaging in compulsive behaviors, such as repeatedly checking symptoms online even after thorough searches.
It's important to recognize that identifying cyberchondria within oneself can be challenging due to the cognitive impact of anxiety. Others, such as friends, family members, or healthcare professionals, may be better able to notice these patterns in someone else.
A prevention initiative must begin by establishing clear boundaries regarding the realistic capabilities of the Internet. It's crucial to dispel any misconceptions, such as the belief that the Internet offers definitive answers to all health- related inquiries. Simply amassing information doesn't guarantee a deeper understanding or increased knowledge.
Specifically in the realm of online health searches, having access to a plethora of information doesn't necessarily translate to having a comprehensive explanation, like a professional diagnosis. Encouraging individuals to self- diagnose using online resources, colloquially known as "Dr. Google," should be discouraged. This practice can quickly escalate, exacerbating distress and potentially leading to cyberchondria.
Secondly, the abundance of health information on the internet, coupled with the phenomenon of information overload, can present challenges during online health searches. When faced with conflicting or inconsistent information, individuals may feel overwhelmed or stuck in their search process, potentially contributing to the development of cyberchondria. It's important to educate individuals about the pitfalls of information overload and equip them with coping strategies to navigate this issue effectively, thereby reducing the risk of cyberchondria.
Thirdly, managing uncertainty effectively is key to preventing cyberchondria. Online health information is often unclear, confusing and highly ambiguous which can add to feelings of uncertainty, stress and anxiety. Trying to resolve this uncertainty by endlessly searching for answers, such as a
diagnosis, can lead to a harmful cycle of seeking reassurance. If online health searches only lead to distress, it's important to change tactics and seek information from a trusted source, like a qualified doctor, instead.
Consulting your primary care doctor about health anxiety and navigating online medical
information is recommended. Seeking guidance from a mental health professional, such as a therapist or counselor, can also provide valuable support in understanding and coping with anxiety related to health concerns and online information. In addressing anxiety, cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is frequently successful. CBT targets irrational and distorted beliefs, making it beneficial for individuals seeking to modify their responses to anxiety for more effective coping strategies.
Fourthly, being able to differentiate between reliable and unreliable sources of online health information adds an extra level of protection during internet searches. Information from credible sources like academic institutions or government health agencies is typically more trustworthy, even if it lacks a
personal touch. On the other hand, content from forums and blogs often reflects personal anecdotes, which can be
valuable but may not apply universally to others.
A common misconception among internet users is the belief that search engines rank search results based on the probability of having a specific disease. In reality, search engines utilize mathematical algorithms to rank pages, considering factors such as keyword frequency, page clicks, and the number of links. This can lead to a cycle where anxious users click on pages containing information about rare illnesses, subsequently boosting the page rank and increasing the chances of other worried users encountering the same page.
Those responsible for search engine design have a duty to enhance search and navigation methods, particularly regarding health queries, in order to minimize
anxiety-inducing results. Excessive online searches can exacerbate anxiety for those with health concerns and present additional risks. There's a
chance of self-medicating for non-existent illnesses, possibly with medications or herbal remedies carrying side effects.
Moreover, much online health information is incomplete. Google itself warns users that medical data online is "for informational purposes only," emphasizing the importance of consulting a healthcare professional. Learn to control or delay your urge to go online to search for any medical information. While the internet offers valuable resources, it should complement, not replace, advice from qualified medical professionals. It is important to manage your anxieties in a
calm manner through relaxation-based therapies and keep Dr.Google under control to prevent and manage cyberchondria.
February 26, 2024

Gurjot Singh Kaler, AIG- Excise and Taxation, Punjab
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