World Earth Day-24-Call to reduce 60% production of plastics by Kulbhushan Kanwar
Chandigarh: World Earth Day is celebrated all over the world since April 22, 1970, in 193 countries by more than 1 billion people. The official theme for 2024 is “Planet v/s Plastics” for the sake of humans and plenty of health and requested to reduce 60 percent reduction in the production of plastics by 2040.
This is the need of the hour to spread awareness amongst the people of the world for the sake of health risks of plastics and the need to phase out all single-use plastics so that plastic-free be generated.
This can be done by collective action by individuals, governments, private sectors, and business establishments. This is an awakening call for all the citizens of the world to maintain this planet a healthier brighter future.
Thanks to Supreme Court of India who observed in its judgment that “Forests are the national asset and a major contributor to financial wealth given by and large criticism by the environmentalists and an appeal filed by the State of Telangana against the high court judgment decision “graciously gifting” forest land to individual and considered forests and tree cover contribute as a major carbon sink.
Human beings intake about 550 liters of pure oxygen per day and intake is much more than regular exercisers are. A mature tree produces 274 liters of oxygen per day nearly half of the average human needs in a day.
The total green cover (Forest cover tree cover) as per ISFR-2015 is 57.03 sq. km. It may be much more. Thanks to Padam Bhushan Dr.M.S.
Randhawa founder Chief Commissioner of Chandigarh, the most eminent horticulturist who guided the plantation of flowering trees on the roadside of Chandigarh. Unfortunately, the survival rate of newly plant/saplings is very less due to the non-availabilities of tree guards.
Nearly half of the oxygen is produced via phytoplankton photosynthesis and the other half is produced by photosynthesis on land by trees, shrubs, grasses and other plants.
In 2019 the Chandigarh Administration imposed a complete ban on the manufacturing, storage, import, sale, transport, and supply of use of banned identified single-use plastic/thermocouple/Styrofoam items. But in spite of ban on single-use plastic/ carry bags are widespread use seen in Chandigarh.
Ocean plastic pollution is a global tragedy and deadly for marine wildlife. According to the OECD global plastics outlook estimates that nearly 1.7 million tonnes ends up in the oceans.
The main slogans on earth day are “No Earth, No Life”, “ Go Green and Stop Emitting Black Clouds”, “East of West, Planet Earth is the Best” ,”Stop cutting trees.; they will help you to breathe”, “Conserve and Preserve the Earth”.
April 21 2024
Kulbhushan Kanwar, Special Correspondent, Babushahi.Com
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