Let’s Build A Perfect World of Imperfect People……by Navpreet Brar
This has become a very common routine, in fact with everyone that as we get up in the morning, our hands look for our phones and our eyes look for the recent updates on anything and everything. Today, as I was surfing through my Whats app, I received a message from one of my best pals which was a video about a social experiment conducted by a group of people wherein people were invited across age and both males and females.
The social experiment started with making people stand in a straight line facing in one direction towards the instructor. The instructions were that a question will be asked and those who agree or have a ‘yes’ as the answer will step forward and those who do not agree and have ‘no’ as the answer will step back by one step.
The questions started on a lighter note like, who cooks often? Who reads more? Who buys groceries often for the household? And so on. As the questions continued to pour in, the gap between the lines became strikingly large as the questions were related to financial issues as to who is more independent in handling all the financial matters related to oneself.
The observation was that most of the men came in front and most of the women stepped back and then there were reviews about what these participants felt about the experiment. Most of the women felt bad about themselves and thought that they are very much dependent in this sphere and I hated to see women standing in the line with their heads down.
My question here is why we need to be perfect in each and everything? Why we can’t be proud of the numerous other things that we are great at? If each one of us is perfect in each and everything, we do not need a society to live in. Each one can manage him or herself. Why are we running after perfection? There are many other important values to observe and imbibe than to be perfect.
No, I do not agree with the conclusion of the above experiment performed as I know women who handle their financial matters all by themselves and are better at it than their men counterparts. I manage my financial matters myself and wherever I fail I strive to learn that. My mother used to and I can cite many other examples from my social circle. It doesn’t matter you are a male or female, each one of us is born with a set of attributes, and the rest we learn as we live and grow in our society as a closed group. If each one of us is perfect then there is nothing to learn more. There will never be a concept called growth.
Let some imperfections exist as it keeps the world breathing through new experiences, new learnings, innovations, and new relations. It is not bad to be dependent as it gives you a feeling of a bond and a relation with the people concerned. We witness a variety of people in this world with immense talent because everyone is not perfect in everything but yes, they are specialized in their specific fields of interest, and it's ok if we take advantage sometimes, as in this case of the norms of the patriarchal society where usually the man is the bread earner of the house and has to maintain the financial matters most of the times. Let’s work towards making a perfect society by collaborating, cooperating, guiding, and growing together. Let us use the skill set of each other to learn and experience something new and bring variety to our living.
Be proud and appreciate yourself for what you are. Celebrate those hundred things you do and are great at and try to learn what you are not good at yet but again it's all your interest and choice. I have known and learned one very important thing about humans during my life course that we are very adaptable and each one of us has that capacity to learn and acknowledge what comes our way to the best and humans are capable of doing every that thing which they haven’t done before whenever required.
So, let’s build a perfect world of imperfect people. Do not tag and categorize each other. Just believe in whatever you do and believe in growing together as one.

Navpreet Brar, Blogger
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