Lessons of Farmers' Movement … by Dr. Pramod Kumar
The farmers’ protest began a year ago. How has it lasted this long? .... Indian Express , June 23, 2021
( Indian Express published this article of Dr Pramod Kumar on June 23, 2021. We think this is one of the best Opinion article on the present Farmers Movement. We are publishing its net link for our viewers - Editor )
.....The farmer’s protest in Punjab has now acquired much larger space. Interestingly, may be for the first time in history the state government is supporting the farmers movement against the Central government. Not only this, the movement is being supported by all the political parties in the State, i.e., the Congress, the Akalis, the AAP, except the BJP.....
These proposals were debated and rejected by a majority vote by 35 farm organisations. Subsequently, in January 12, 2021, the Supreme Court stayed till further orders ( corrected ) the implementation of three controversial farm laws. Besides constituting a Committee to reach fair, equitable, and just solutions to the problems.

......The lesson to be drawn by the political parties is that blanket support to the economic reforms agenda shaped by the former Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and being effectively implemented by the Prime Minister Modi is fraught with danger as it directly affects the survival of the people living on the margins. On the other hand, the farmers’ unions have kept up the hope that the BJP government in the centre may in view of the elections in Uttar Pradesh, concede the farmer’s demands.....
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Dr Pramod Kumar, Director, IDC , Chandigarh
Phone No. : 111111111111
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