COVID – Make masks a part of lifestyle without bothering for missing of smiles
The Covid-19 pandemic made masks compulsory for everyone. From becoming a daily necessity to upgrading itself into a fashion statement, here’s all that a mask has been in the year 2020.
The year 2020 will be a historic year in the everyone's life because of transmission of Covid-19 virus globally taking the lives in crores which include all classes even the doctors community, putting inconvenience in day today lifestyle, halting trains on tracks, putting lock downs, curfew, restricting working hours for offices with limited staff, stationing of domestic and international flights.
But one accessory that not just helped many survive, but has now acquired a character of its own in our day-to-day lives, i.e. mask, is something that a few are yet to adapt to wearing whereas others consider it as a boon to remain guarded from unwanted pollution and social exchanges of smiles.
Academic sessions were totally disturbed and thanks to the digital world, for taking online classes to keep continuity in studies.
Each country and person was cursing China from where the virus has gone to the whole world. In the absence of any research or immediately available medicine to counter the virus, the research scholars were on the job to find out with the vaccine.
Messages were floated to use masks, which hitherto were seen on the faces of doctors in operation theatres and while lying on dental chair facing the Dental Surgeon. Followed by washing hands frequently and avoiding joining the crowded places and if necessary to maintain physical distance.
Now, with the efforts of research work and follow up by the individuals with putting strict restrictions, like making mandatory the Covid vaccine and negative report while moving from one place to another place or from one country to another country, the situation is under control to some extent.
Really, Covid-19 pandemic has changed our lifestyle and the face mask has become the most essential part of our attire. People are conscious now that when one see a person wearing a mask, the other person is seen either adjusting the mask on the face or taking out the mask from pocket or bag and donning it.
Frankly speaking, we have to choose between safety and fashion as some people don’t wear it for one or other reason. Anyhow, certain fashion designers have not come up with the matching masks to your clothes. But, we have to continue to wear masks, especially N95 while going out of the house as it will give a sense of safety which is very important in these difficult times of Covid-19. We have to make it a part of our lifestyle for sometime more to save ourselves and others too without bothering for the missing of our smiles by others.
Harish Monga, Sr. Correspondent & Feature Writer
Phone No. : 9815087107
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