Fueling our young athletes....by Dr. Amandeep Aggarwal
In the name of giving nutrition to our young and budding athletes, we have often seen our youngsters getting chubby and even beyond. Often the reason of spoiling the health of our young athletes is sheer ignorance about their nutrition requirements.
How bad is the obesity situation among children in India?
With 14.4 million obese children, India has the second-highest number of obese children in the world, next to China. The prevalence of overweight and obesity in children is 15%. In private schools catering to upper-income families, the incidence has shot up to 35-40%, indicating a worrying upward trend.
Consequence of obesity in children?
- If obesity among kids continues to increase, many believe this current generation of young
- people will become the first in Indian history to live shorter lives than their parents.
- There are a lot of reasons why so many children can be classified as obese today. Obesity is not a consequence of excessive eating alone.
What can parents do to avoid the possibility of obesity for their children?
- Provide and model good nutrition from the earliest years
- Limit fast foods to once a month
- Limit consumption of soda and other sweetened foods
- Don’t let your child skip meals
- Provide a variety of selections from all food groups
- Promote moderation by eating several small meals/ snacks are an alternative to three big meals
- Promote daily consumption of many glasses of water
Signs and symptoms of disordered eating
- Excessive criticism of one’s body weight or shape.
- Preoccupation with food, calories or weight.
- Compulsive, excessive exercise.
- Mood swings, irritability
- Depression
- Social withdrawal
- Secretly eating or stealing
- Food
- Bathroom visits after eating
- Avoiding food-related social activities
- Excessive use of laxatives, diuretics, or diet pills
- Consumption of large amounts of food inconsistent with the athlete’s weight
- Excessive fear of being overweight or becoming fat that does not diminish as weight loss continues
- Preoccupation with the dietary patterns and eating behaviors of other people
- Lack of concern for excessive weight loss or extremely low body weight
- Chronic fatigue.
- Noticeable weight loss or gain.
- Anemia
- Frequent gastrointestinal problems or complaints(eg excessive gas, abdominal bloating, constipation, ulcers)
- Cold intolerance
- Lanugo (fine hair on the face and body)
- Tooth erosion
- Calloused fingers
- Frequent musculoskeletal injuries(particularly stress fractures)
- Delayed or prolonged healing of wounds or injuries
- Prolonged healing of wounds or injuries
- Frequent or prolonged illnesses
- Dry skin and hair
- Alopecia(hair loss)
- Brittle nails
- In women, irregular or absent menstrual cycles
What is the female athlete triad?
The female athlete triad is a syndrome of three interrelated conditions that exist on a continuum of severity, including:
- Energy deficit/ disordered eating
- Menstrual disturbances/ amenorrhea
- Bone loss/ osteoporosis
Menstrual disturbances/amenorrhea:
- The most serious menstrual problem associated with the triad is amenorrhea, defined as no menstrual period for 3 month or more. However athletes who have irregular menstrual cycles are also susceptible to the effects of the triad.
Regular physical activity is important for good health
- Promote daily physical activity participation in a sport, a nightly family walk, supporting
- recesses and physical education in your schools
- Limit TV, computer and video game time
- Model the behavior so that your children value the habit
Key Components to Fueling Young Athletes
- Daily nutrition and hydration
- Establishment of healthy eating and drinking daily.
Regular physical activity is important for good health
- Promote daily physical activity participation in a sport, a nightly family walk, supporting
- recesses and physical education in your schools
- Limit TV, computer and video game time
- Model the behavior so that your children value the habit
Key Components to Fueling Young Athletes
- Daily nutrition and hydration
- Establishment of healthy eating and drinking daily.
Role of Calcium
- Calcium is especially important for athletes because they are more likely to lose calcium, as well as other minerals, through perspiration. In addition to being important for strong bones, calcium is required for muscle contraction. Without enough calcium you may experience muscle cramps.
Role of Vitamin B12
- B12 is one of the less well-known vitamins, but is essential for health and normal function. It is particularly important for athletes, as it helps support energy metabolism and is important for blood health: in particular a deficiency can lead to pernicious anemia.
Role of Vitamin D
- Low vitamin D status could negatively impact the health and training efficiency of athletes. Research to date suggests that certain athletes are at risk for suboptimal vitamin D status, which may increase risks for stress fractures, acute illness, and suboptimal muscle function.
Red meat/ white meat
- Red meats present higher concentrations of iron, zinc, selenium and B complex vitamins.
- The white meats are more easily chewable and digestible, for the structure of the muscle fibers and for the scarce presence of collagen.
- White meats contain - on average - less fat and cholesterol and, therefore, they are preferred by those who follow low-calorie diets. However, it is possible to find cuts of lean red meat, with a low lipid content.
Most sports nutritionists agree that athletes must favor white meats. Red meats should still be consumed, but sparingly, limiting the intake to no more than 500 grams per week. This is because recent research has observed an increased risk of certain types of cancer (colon, pancreas, prostate) when consumption exceeded that amount.
The other tip is to choose organic white meats
Daily Nutrition and Hydration
- 2-3 servings of protein
- Poultry, fish, lean meat, beans, eggs
- 3-4 servings of dairy
- Milk, yogurt, cheese
- 4-6 servings of fruits/vegetables
- Dried, canned, or whole fruit and raw or cooked veggies (dark green veggies are the best)
- 6-11 servings of grains
- Bread, pasta, rice, cereals
- 8 tall glasses of water (64 ounces)
Key Components to Fueling an Athlete
- Game-day nutrition and hydration
- Daily nutrition and hydration serve as the foundation which game-day choices will build
- upon.
- Game-day nutrition which will top off the tank and help improve performance.
Game-Day Nutrition
- Eat healthy foods at the right time.
- Never eat a large meal within 4 hours of competition.
- If you have an early afternoon game, eat a large breakfast with carbohydrates and protein. Then
- eat a small snack one hour before game time.
- If you have an evening game, eat a solid breakfast and lunch, and then eat a snack one hour before game time.
- Eat a meal within two hours of the game to replace what you have burned
- Hydration is critical to performance and health. Dehydration can be a cause of illness and injury.
Before activity
- Young players should be well hydrated.
- Drink 12-16 ounces 30 minutes before getting to the field.
- During activity
- Drink early slight dehydration can occur before becoming thirsty.
- Young players should drink 5 to 9 ounces of water every 15-20 minutes of activity.
After activity
- Regardless of thirst, drink every 20 minutes after activity for 1 hour.
Importance of Sports Drinks Vs. Water
water adequately replaces sweat loss.
- Workout 60 minutes Sports Drinks:
During longer workouts, sports drinks can be used to replace the electrolytes (salt ions) and fuel that are lost through sweating. Electrolyte replacement helps the body hold onto fluid, prevent muscle cramps and maintain sodium levels (salt) in the blood.
Fluids to Avoid During Activity
- Fruit juices
- High sugar content slows fluid absorption, causes
- upset stomach.
- Carbonated beverages
- Reduces voluntary drinking.
- Caffeinated beverages
- Promotes dehydration by increasing urine production.
- Energy drinks
- Contain caffeine and have a high carbohydrate concentration which slows fluid absorption.
Risk Factors for Dehydration
- Limited stoppage time during matches.
- Young players are not encouraged to use the stoppage time for fluid consumption.
- Games are held outdoors, often in high temperatures and humidity, on large fields that
- offer little or no shade.
- Young players fail to drink enough fluids at
- tournaments and camps where numerous games and practices take place each day.
Dehydration Signs
- Noticeable thirst
- Dry lips and tongue
- Irritability
- Fatigue, lack of energy
- Dizziness
- Nausea
- Headache
- Muscle cramping
- Red, flushed face
- Dark, yellow urine
- Rest the player in a cool place
- Provide a sports drink containing electrolytes
- Prevent dehydration in the future by ensuring the player consumes fluids before, during, and after exercise
- Intense dehydration can lead to heat exhaustion or heat stroke.
- Get acclimated
- Active children need time to gradually adapt to hotter temperatures.
- On a schedule, drink up
- Thirst isn’t an accurate indicator of fluid needs. Young athletes should be encouraged to drink on a schedule or at regular intervals before they become thirsty.
- Always bring a water and a sports drink
- Especially during games and practices in the heat, replacing fluids and electrolytes and providing energy is crucial to keeping kids safe.
- Learn the warning signs of dehydration and heat illness
- If someone becomes fatigued, dizzy, nauseous or has a headache during exercise in the heat, have them stop, rest and drink fluids.
- Seek medical attention if symptoms persist.Proper nutrition and hydration will improve your performance both on and off the field.
Dr. Amandeep Aggarwal, Family Physician, Sangrur
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