Shakespeare’s Hamlet, through the eyes of Simrita Dhir:
What Hamlet Knew and Not
He knew many things —
Passion, friendship, integrity, belief,
Science, astronomy, philosophy.
If only he knew that the
Brook ran full and blue,
Jilting was no jesting,
Grief was bottomless, deep and devastating.
A girl wilted, dropped and drowned.
Was he to blame, or too much love?
That Horatio
He was many things —
Steadfast, loyal, true,
Cultured, educated, committed,
Proud, purposeful,
Calm, resolute, rational.
Unwavering friend to Hamlet,
A glittering star in defiled skies,
He was devout, dependable, self-effacing.
He showed us many things —
No one is really as alone as they think they are.
Affinity outlasts time, destiny, death.
To relay a dead friend’s story is to resurrect belief, reinstate goodness, render him eternal
Letter to Ophelia
In a parallel universe,
Love is steadfast, pristine, everlasting,
Fathomless like the ocean.
The brook runs full and blue, but it’s not lethal.
The flowers in your hair are sparkling stars,
You blabber on like there is no tomorrow.
Your lover is compassionate, loyal, concerned, coherent.
You are you — honest, hopeful, naive, cherished, never forsaken.
And always, always ALIVE.
(Simrita Dhir is a California based academic and novelist.
Her critically acclaimed novel The Rainbow Acres was on Amazon Memorable Books of 2018 list.)


Simrita Dhir, California based academic and novelist
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