Artificial Intelligence opening gates to decipher ancient writings.
In a remarkable fusion of technology and history, scholars of antiquity are on the brink of ushering in a new era of
understanding, thanks to the remarkable capabilities of artificial intelligence. A concealed text, preserved within a
charred scroll buried beneath the ashes of Mount Vesuvius' cataclysmic eruption in AD 79, has been unveiled, promising
a groundbreaking discovery that transcends the boundaries of time.
This extraordinary achievement is the culmination of the Vesuvius Challenge, a $1 million competition launched in 2023
under the visionary leadership of computer scientist Brent Seales from the University of Kentucky, bolstered by support
from Silicon Valley investors. The challenge's audacious mission tasked participants with extracting the enigmatic text
from high-resolution CT scans of a scroll meticulously preserved at the UK's Diamond Light Source particle accelerator.
The crescendo of this extraordinary journey was the triumphant announcement made by Nat Friedman, a US tech
executive and founding sponsor of the challenge. Three very of gifted young students—Youssef Nader from Germany,
Luke Farritor from the US, and Julian Schilliger from Switzerland—won the $700,000 grand prize by decoding a treasure
trove of over 2,000 Greek letters concealed within the ancient scroll.

The profound significance of this accomplishment has not gone unnoticed by the papyrologists who have meticulously
studied the scroll's text. Robert Fowler, the emeritus professor of Greek at Bristol University, hailed it as nothing short of
a "complete gamechanger." Dr. Federica Nicolardi, from the University of Naples Federico II, celebrated it as nothing less
than a "revolution in Herculaneum papyrology and in Greek philosophy."
What did the deciphering of scroll reveal? The deciphered scroll reveals philosophical writing. At one place the author,
who, as many believe, is likely the philosopher and poet Philodemus, argues whether we get more pleasure from things
which are not available in much abundance. No, he reasons “…as too in the case of food, we do not right away believe
things that are scarce to be absolutely more pleasant than those which are abundant.” At one point, he attacks his
adversaries: “… have nothing to say about pleasure, either in general or in particular, when it is a question of definition.”
The end of the scroll read: “… for we do [not] refrain from questioning some things, but understanding/remembering
others. And may it be evident to us to say true things, as they might have often appeared evident!”
At the heart of this groundbreaking achievement is Brent Seales' ingenuity and his ingenious application of AI
algorithms, which deftly unraveled the mysteries held within the CT images, revealing the presence of ink on the
carbonized papyri. His visionary ambition now extends to the development of a portable CT scanner capable of
examining scrolls without the need for their removal from their sacred collections.
The ongoing Vesuvius Challenge remains steadfast in its pursuit, aspiring to further refine this transformative
technology. Its current mission is to read 85% of the scroll's content while laying the critical groundwork for deciphering
all previously excavated scrolls. This monumental achievement not only promises to illuminate the hidden wisdom of
antiquity but also beckons us to explore a wealth of buried treasures, including the secrets sealed within papyrus
documents entwined around the enigmatic Egyptian mummies.

As we bear witness to this extraordinary journey of discovery, the profound intersection of technology and history
unfolds before us. It serves as a poignant reminder that within this union lies the boundless potential to unravel the
enigmatic tapestry of our past, illuminating the corridors of human knowledge and understanding.
Feb 13, 2024

Rachhpal Sahota, Cincinnati, USA, Scientist & USA Editor Babushahi Network
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