Fresh Violence in Canada: These type of incidents was bound to happen... Dr Pramod Kumar wrote on Oct 9
Chandigarh: Why the demand for Khalistan, which continues to raise its head in a section of the Sikh diaspora, strikes no echoes in Punjab
( A month before the recent violence and tension between the Indian Diaspora in Canada, prominent Researcher and Political Analyst Dr Pramod Kumar had predicted such type of developments. He wrote an article on October 09, 2024, on the issues of the worsening of the Diplomatic relations between India and Canada and the issue of Khalistan.

He wrote, "This purblind politics shall not only aggravate the inter-country crisis but shall provide enough space to the fringe groups to fuel and appropriate competitive religiosity under the garb of freedom of speech".We are reproducing the same article, published by The Indian Express on Oct 09, 2024.-Editor, Babushahi Network )
This purblind politics shall not only aggravate the inter-country crisis but shall provide enough space to the fringe groups to fuel andappropriate competitive religiosity under the garb of freedom of speech. The absence of market exchange and secular Panjabi cultureshall justify the socially divisive tendencies and create tensions amongstreligious groups in Canada, i.e., the Sikhs and the non-Sikhs. On the contrary, in Indian Punjab, secular Punjabi identity has strong historical roots and co-exists with other identities while communalism is known for its long tongue but no teeth.

The lesson for both political establishments is that rather than eulogizing or denigrating merely the instruments, both political establishments should work together to deliver justice by following the rule of law and protecting the rights of religious groups.

The practice of secular democratic norms is the only insurance against the emergence of a theocratic State and an environment surcharged with violent, and divisive political articulations.
Click link to read full article:
November 5, 2024

Dr. Pramod Kumar, Director, Institute for Development and Communication, Chandigarh
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