World Homoeopathy Day: Understanding Homeopathy & its significance...... by Dr. Ravinder Kaur Bawa
10th April is world homeopathic day and I feel proud to share that the Homeopathic system of medication is becoming more and more popular among the masses. People are opting for homeopathy for all minor and major ailments, not only because of its efficacy but also because it has no side effects whatsoever.
The founder of Homeopathy was himself an allopath who later on invented the Homoeopathic system of medication which is safe & effective in all stages of life before conception, during pregnancy, for newborns, adolescents, and even old age. When one becomes fed up with the never-ending diseases, absence of a cure, recurrence, and relapsing of symptoms even after long treatments, he/she should choose Homeopathic medicines.
When we talk of Homeopathy the first thing that comes to everyone’s mind is kidney stones. Almost all who are reading this have heard that Homeopathy is very effective in kidney stones. But here I would like to mention that’s it’s not only kidney stones that can be cured but any kind of kidney disease including CRF chronic kidney failure which may be due to the medicine effects or because of suffering from hypertension and diabetes that your kidneys have gone in for a toss and the reports are abnormal. The creatinine, urea, or Uric acid are high. Homeopathic medicines are very effective for kidneys and can revive them to normal.
These days most common are lifestyle diseases which are because by our wrong eating habits, junk food, and sedentary lifestyle. PCOD or Cysts in the ovaries is one of the most common among young girls. As they are eating too much junk food and hardly moving. Due to a lack of physical exercise, they are in turn gaining weight, developing hirsutism and their menstrual cycles become irregular.
These lifestyle changes are an invitation to PCOD. Right homeopathic medicine and guidance of a healthy diet and physical activity can cure this hormonal imbalance without any external hormonal treatment.
Live diseases are yet another type of lifestyle disease. This fatty liver disease is becoming very common even among those who have never even consumed alcohol. The credit goes to junk food. Now it’s called Non-Alcoholic fatty liver disease. Especially the white flour makes the liver sluggish and fatty later. We can see in the reports grade 1, grade 2 or 3, and cirrhosis.Necessary lifestyle corrections along with Homeopathic medicines can revive the sick liver back to health.
Some pains and aches in the back and Cervical region, as well as the lower back, can be due to our bad posture, sleeping the wrong way, using the wrong kind of pillows & long sitting with a bad posture. All of this can cause Cervical spondylitis with pain in the shoulders and neck, swelling in the hands with numbness, or even the feet. Or even the sciatica pain Correct posture and medicine will help us have a pain-free life.
Let’s talk about allergies now. This is the worst weather for all kinds of allergies. Many of us get up in the morning this season and are sneezing, nose is blocked, eyes are watering and itching. This is ALLERGIC RHINITIS with copious nasal discharge. Later there may be a sore throat and difficulty in breathing known as Bronchial Asthma.
Even skin allergies are very common in this changing weather. But one shouldn’t take a tablet daily to get relief for 1 or 2 days and the same thing recurs every day till the next season and the next season the same complaint all over again.
Homeopathic medicines are so wonderful and miraculous that they will not only help in acute conditions but one can also get rid of these allergies permanently. Opt for Homeopathic medicine for allergic diseases.
MIGRAINE headaches or cluster headaches can be associated with nausea and vomiting or maybe not but yes the migraine is terrible and it can carry on continuously for three days at a stretch. One might have to take plenty of painkillers or even go to the hospital for some injections. This might give relief but won’t prevent it from recurring again. This actually makes you helpless as one can’t perform daily activities because of this severe headache.
Homeopathic medicines if rightly prescribed will not only cure headaches at that particular time but will prevent recurrence in the future also. Here I will also like to add up that those suffering from headaches should have breakfast on time and sleep at least 7 hours. Delaying breakfast is an invitation to migraine. Other triggers are exposure to heat and cold, traveling, stress, and gastric complaints. We should choose Homeopathy if we want to have a quality and pain-free life.
Homeopathy is incomplete without mentioning skin. It has the best effect on the skin. SKIN DISEASE might be any from simple corns, warts, acne, or eczema to psoriasis, atopic dermatitis, lichen, or even vitiligo, and many more. Whichever the skin disease, it is wonderfully cured with Homeopathic medicine.
Skin is just a mirror and a reflection of internal health. If you’re not healthy internally, your skin will show. Hence we should not apply ointments and suppress the skin diseases as they should be cured of the inside out and not superficially.Many suffer from skin and respiratory diseases simultaneously or alternately which shows that it is all related. To cure totally we should cure of the inside as applying ointments is not the right way. We can’t have a healthy plant with a diseased root. We should opt for Homeopathy for flawless and glowing skin and hence complete health.
Health does just not mean physical well-being and the absence of disease but also refers to the MENTAL HEALTH of a person. There are too many stress-causing factors in our daily life in this modern world, may it be making the ends meet and earning for your family or studying for your exams, or even people feeling detached and lonely from their social circle.
This is causing ANXIETY, LOSS OF SLEEP, and in some cases DEPRESSION Signs and symptoms of which should not be ignored, and always consult your physician if your child or elders or anyone shows signs like losing interest in their daily activities or decline in performance, rather than being dependent on anti-depressants. We suggest Therapy and consulting your neighborhood Homeopaths to work in coordination and help eliminate symptoms that disrupt everyday life.
In the end, the foremost importance is that total health is not just to get rid of the disease but also getting rid of the continuous medication. Let us try to achieve such complete health.

Dr. Ravinder Kaur Bawa , The writer is Homeopathy Specialist
Phone No. : 9815917844
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