FATHERS - Epitome of love, affection, and generosity......by Ankita Bajaj
For the last five years, on every father’s day, I don’t feel like checking my social media accounts much. It is not that I feel bad about others; it’s just that I miss him a little more today.
He was a quiet yet impactful person one could ever come across. He didn’t speak much but put his views forward only when needed. I, being his opposite, still wish I get 5% of the traits he had. No wonder we are still greeted and respected by his colleagues the same way we used to when he was around. He left us abruptly. Not giving any hints.
I felt hopeless and helpless. Just like any other daughter, I was his dearest. His ‘Sher Puttar’. That’s what he used to call me. He raised me like a lioness indeed.He had always made me strong. So strong that he believed I could handle everything from our emotional turmoil to our finances. I never believed I could. But he did.
Somehow I managed to handle everything he thought of. At least I think I did. Today, I feel the grey clouds hovering over my head when I close my eyes. I cannot sit alone today. Not for a while. I wish I could bring him a cake and shower him with hugs and pecks. I can bet everything to bring him to me. But apparently, everything is still insufficient.
Fathers are the blessing that we don’t talk about much. They don’t seek validation or appreciation. They fight their own battles every day without you knowing about any of them. They do their work in silence and feel happy seeing their families smiling.All the daddies around the world, who tirelessly work for the betterment of their child’s future, you have my heart and respect.
To all those who are reading this, keep him close and hold him tight each day. Your old man is growing bald and old but he’d still be your first love. And you will be his dearest always.
June 19, 2022

A.Bajaj, The writer is Chandigarh-based Trainee Sub-Editor, Babushahi.com
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