On International Friendship Day - My first friend is ....
The International Friendship Day is celebrated on 7th August. Friendship is a strong bond among people of various countries irrespective of their race, colour, gender, religion, ethnicity and other such factors. In fact, it is a faithful and loyal friendship between two or more persons living anywhere in the world. We cannot live our whole life along and so there must be a faithful relationship with someone to call friend in real sense to share good or bad life events, enjoy happy moment and bear unbearable events of the life. It is said that man is by nature a social animal and an individual who is unsocial is not a human what to say friend.
There must be people in one’s life to which friend is everything and is invaluable asset. According to Cicero – Friendship increases happiness and diminishes misery by doubling our joy and dividing our grief.
In fact the purpose of celebrating International friendship Day is to promote the concept of friendship and to promote the culture and peace all over the world. It is also a day of an opportunity to confront the misunderstandings and distrust that trigger so many of the tensions and conflicts in today’s world. But getting a best friend in life is very hard for everyone and if one gets it, he-she is really bestowed with the true of Nature.
Thanks to the transformation brought out by the information technology, the world has become a global village and many are now connected with each while sitting at a distance without meeting face to face but on video conferences now. We need to maintain it by nourishing your connections and it is the day all about celebrating the bond of friendship. Really, it is also an occasion to turn the pages of life and recollect the wonderful moments that you have spent with your friends in the school, college or workplace.
Frankly speaking there are times in our life when we realize how blessed we are from the friendships we have formed over the years, graduations and retirements often remind us of this. Friendship between different people from different countries and with different cultures can inspire peace efforts and assist in building bridges between communities. On this Friendship Day keep in mind the power of your smile, it is the first step in making new friends. I am still in contact with certain friends of my school, college, service period and even after retirement with new friends of different fields.
Since I have recently published my two books titled – Frankly speaking – feeling sometimes is not a reality and Frankly speaking – Silence too speaks - my wish is that my friendship with my readers may continue for the rest of our lives. I am proud of my first friend is my better-half.
Happy Friendship Day

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